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SciAps Z-200 Premier Handheld LIB

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Original price was: $8,200.00.Current price is: $4,400.00.


Product details

SciAps Z-200 Premier Handheld LIB

The Z-200 is the most portable, high performance LIBS analyzer ever created. It’s advanced technology includes on-board argon purge to deliver quantitative results; laser burst surface cleaning to eliminate grinding or surface prep; laser rastering for improved precision. It’s Android-based operating system is as friendly and intuitive as a Smartphone, and it supports numerous analytical Apps for a variety of sample types.

The Z is the ONLY handheld LIBS with an integrated, user-replaceable argon purge. As any OES user will attest to, operating in an argon purge environment delivers 10x or more intensities, thus yielding far superior precision and limits of detection compared to air-based LIBS. In fact a major reason why the Z-200 can precisely analyze fine distinctions in aluminum alloys, and stainless, iron base and nickel superalloys, is due to the precision advantage from argon purge. Also available are larger belt-mounted canisters (4x the volume). Users may also connect the Z to industry standard stationary argon tanks with our optional package of bridge regulator and tubing.
Dirty scrap? Oxidized or dusty metal components? The Z features novel cleaning mode to eliminate the need for grinding or surface prep – a critical requirement and something no other handheld laser unit offers. Cleaning mode fires the laser at 50 Hz (50 shots/second). After 0.2 sec 10 laser blasts have obliterated surface contamination, then the Z takes data from the cleaned surface. The Z delivers the same answer whether the surface is clean or dirty!

The SciAps Z-200 Premier Handheld LIB offers point-and-shoot simplicity of operation for the metals, mining and other industrial testing or QC applications. It’s also an advanced spectrometer with sophisticated analytics and calibration model building software. The Z-200 uses a pulsed laser, 5-6 mJ/pulse, 50 Hz repetition rate. It is the world’s only handheld LIBS with integrated argon purge, allowing the analyzer to be operated in both air-based analysis for quick screening, or argon-purge for highly sensitive, precise measurements. It features an on-board camera and laser targeting so you can view the sample and precisely aim where the laser will strike. For the metals testing industry the Z-200 is equipped with factory calibrations for the major metal bases, and a large alloy grade library. Users may use the ProfileBuilder desktop software package to add or modify calibrations. For the mining industry, the Z-200 is widely used to complement XRF analysis, mainly to quantify either elements XRF cannot measure such as Li, Be, B, C, Na (for fluorine see the Z-300) or for the microanalysis capability available in the Geochem Pro App available with the Z. For more research or academic oriented users, the Z offers great flexibility. The spectrometer may be run in either gated or ungated mode, without or without argon purge. The raster pattern may be varied as well as the focal distance. Individual spectrum from each laser shot may be analyzed. Applications abound for the Z including food, agriculture testing, pharma for validating raw materials, forensics investigations, anti-counterfeiting, art/artifact authentication, and a variety of industrial quality control and inspection

Z-200 is for Scrap Metal Sorting

The Z-200 is configured to analyze all variety of alloy bases. Laser is particularly good for aluminum alloys due to the superior analysis (compared to X-ray) for magnesium and silicon. Laser will also measure lithium (Li), beryllium (Be) and boron (B) in alloys. X-ray cannot measure these alloys at all. Other scrap advantages for the Z include minimal or no grinding due to the Z’s high energy laser, high frequency laser for rapid surface cleaning. This is particularly advantageous for aluminum alloys since the Z burns through anodizing, unlike X-ray. The Z also eliminates travel and regulatory burdens that are inherent with X-ray. Finally, the Z-200 is great on ferrous alloys and the Z-200 C+ offers carbon analysis as well.

Z-200 is for NDT & PMI

The Z-200 is a great solution PMI if your focus is iron base materials, low silicon in carbon steels, flow accelerated corrosion. The Z-200 can be calibrated for all the various alloy bases, but performs best (compared to X-ray) on aluminum and iron base. The Z is now accepted for low silicon analysis in carbon steels for sulfur units by at least one major oil refiner.

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