Product details
Thermo Scientific Niton XLp 818 XRF Analyzer
IET – Used Lab Equipment – Refurbished Analytical Laboratory Instrumentswww.IetLtd.comProudly serving laboratories worldwide since 1979CALL +1.847.913.0777 for Refurbished & Certified Lab EquipmentThermo Niton XLi 818 Portable Alloy AnalyzerThe XLi 800 Series Alloy Analyzers are the world standard for nondestructiveanalysis and grade identification ofmetal alloy materials in industriesranging from primary metalproduction to product fabrication toscrap recycling.The Thermo Scientific NITON Analyzer offers numerousappealing features including:• Very easy to use – even by non-technical personnel• Little to no sample preparation is necessary• A truly nondestructive test with instantaneous resultsThe need for metal alloy materialverification is an increasingly importantissue across a wide range of industries.Specially engineered alloys are continuallybeing developed to better withstand thespecific stresses and requirements ofmany different specialized applications.Though necessary and exciting, these newintroductions dramatically increase thecomplexity of material verification and QCtesting needs.Material inspection is intensely criticalin certain industries such as aircraftand aerospace manufacturing, sincehuman lives may depend on the properperformance of alloy components. Amaterial mix-up in a petrochemicalprocess system can be disastrous. Ona spacecraft or commercial satellite itcan mean millions of dollars and yearsof effort wasted. In a scrap recyclingfacility, misidentified material can resultin a returned load and a loss of consumerconfidence. Conversely, identifyingand upgrading alloy material providesinstantaneous return on investment toscrap metal recyclers.Thermo Scientific NITON XRF (x-rayfluorescence) alloy analyzers are designedto quickly and reliably provide accurate alloymaterial verification, and have become theworldwide standard for material analysisin industries ranging from primary metalproduction to scrap metal recycling. NITONanalyzers provide immediate nondestructivechemical analysis of alloy materials fromtitanium to nickel superalloys, from castingsto fasteners, dip switches to scrap cuttingsand turnings, incoming raw materials to finalproduct QC. They supply fast, nondestructiveanalysis of high-temp, nickel and stainlesssteel, as well as screening for the presenceof prohibited materials such as Sn, Se, Cd,
Ergonomically designed, pistol grip XRF alloy Analyzer with high resolution Si-PIN detector. Features a 12+ hour lithium-ion battery, and tapered measurement head with integrated hot surface analysis capability. Configured with Infiniton AM-241 radioisotope for analysis of titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, selenium, zirconium, niobium, (columbium), molybdenum, palladium, silver, tin, antimony, hafnium, tantalum, tungsten, rhenium, lead and bismuth. The expanded user definable alloy library will identify many (U.S. designated) stainless and tool steels, nickel alloys including incoloys, inconels, hastelloys and monels, cobalt alloys, coppers and brasses, and titanium alloys.
Thermo Scientific Niton XLp 818 Comes Equipped with:
Case Lock (Large)
(2) Shutter Dust Barrier Series Mil 1
(2) Stylus
Alloy Standard
BASP 25mm Detector / FS (SN #13768)
AEA 30 mCi Am-241 Source (SN #4925CW)
Power Cord
XLp Users Manuel (Alloy)
Battery Charger
1520 Pelican Case
Battery Case
(2) Batteries
NDT Software Version 4.1
XLp 10.8 Alloy
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