Product details
Agilent 1100 G1367A Well Plate Autosampler
Agilent 1100 G1367A Well Plate Autosampler is an innovative designed to be controlled via handheld controller or computer running ChemStation and adds maximum flexibility and fast injection cycles to your Agilent LC system
Increase sample injection speed for high sample throughput
Overlapped injections for increased prdouctivity
Minimal delay volumes for rapid gradients and fast equilibration when bypassing the autosampler after sample injection
Flexible and convenient sample handling with different types of sample containers. 3840well plates allow you to process up to 768 samples unattended
Peltier temperature control
Sample Capacity:
2 well plates (96 and 384) plus 10 additional 2-ml vials or
100 × 2-ml vials/standard tray or
40 × 2-ml vials/half tray or
Microvials with sleeves
In This Guide…
1 Installing the Sampler
Site requirements and installation of the sampler
2 Optimizing Performance
How to optimize the well-plate sampler and the micro well-plate
sampler to achieve best results
3 Troubleshooting and Test Functions
The modules built-in troubleshooting and test functions
4 Repairing the Sampler
Instructions on simple, routine repair procedures as well as
more extensive repairs requiring exchange of internal parts
5 Parts and Materials
Detailed illustrations and lists for identification of parts and
6 Introduction to the Well-plate Sampler
An introduction to the well-plate sampler and thermostatted
well-plate sampler
7 Theory of Operation
Theory of operation of mechanical hardware, electronics, and
instrument interfaces
8 Control Module Screens of the Well-plate Samplers
Introduction to the screens available for operation of the
Agilent 1100 Series well-plate samplers with the control module
9 Specifications
Performance specifications of the well-plate sampler and the
micro well-plate sampler
1 Installing the Sampler
Site Requirements 14
Unpacking the Sampler 17
Optimizing the Stack Configuration 20
Installing the Sampler 24
Installing a Thermostatted Sampler 26
Flow Connections to the Sampler 30
Sample Trays 32
List of recommended Plates and Closing Mat 34
List of Recommended Vials and Caps 36
Configure Well-plate Types 38
Transporting the Sampler 41
2 Optimizing Performance
Optimizing Performance 44
Optimization for Lowest Carry-over 45
Using the Automated Needle Wash 45
Using the Flush Port 46
Using an Injector Program 47
General Recommendation to Lowest Carry-over 48
Fast Injection Cycle and Low Delay Volume 49
Overlapped Injection Mode 49
General Recommendations for Fast Injection Cycle Times 50
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